Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Mystery TF Visit

H lost her tooth a few days ago.  She was thrilled because she was enroute to a dentist appointment and was afraid that the denist would pull it out.  Crisis averted.

At the end of the day, she was getting ready to go to bed and found a great brand new pair of socks on her bed - white and red stripes with penguins on them. Right up her alley.  Immediately, she looked at me and said, "Wow - the Tooth Fairy already came!" She looked at M, who was equally perplexed and thrilled, and they ran downstairs to see if they could find her tooth in her folder from school. They could not, thus sealing the deal that the Tooth Fairy had in fact visited early.  That she came during the daylight was beyond amazing to them both.

Now, came my condundrum. I had NO idea where the socks came from.  When the kids were little, we'd give them little gifts from the TF because that was more fun for them than money.   We still do that (they still totally believe and it's fun.)  No one else knew that H's tooth had come out so the socks had not been given to her as a gift because of her lost tooth.  Besides that, no one would ever give H a pair of socks and not M (whether there was a tooth involved or not). 

Should I go with their belief that the Tooth Fairy visited early?  What if I don't put anything under her pillow, she finds out who the socks are from and then they know that the TF didn't in fact come?  And/or what if she finds her tooth in the morning in the folder and then wonders why the TF didn't take it?  OMG - is there really a toothfairy?!?!

After they went to bed, I grabbed $2 and snuck it under her pillow.  (If she wanted to share with M, she could.  If she wanted the loot all to herself, that'd work too).  I looked in her folder and did, in fact, find the tooth so I stole that just for safety's sake.

The next morning, I asked her if the TF had left anything under her pillow.  She said she didn't even look because she was sure that the socks were from the TF.  I told her to look, just to be sure.  She found the cold hard cash and was thrilled with the money. She didn't give the Sister any (sorry, M) and is wearing the socks as we speak. Life is good.

The point of this story is:  I still have no stinkin' idea where the socks came from, but if you DO, don't tell her (or her sister.)   They are loving these most recent turn of TF events just as they unfolded.  Please don't rock my boat.  It's a little bit shaky as it is...

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