Monday, February 25, 2013

And The Award Goes To...

The 85th Academy Awards have come and gone for another year.  Clearly, the highlight of this year’s ceremony was seeing FSPA alum, Nadine “No Bad News” Malouf perform on stage. Are you kidding me? She is so near and dear to so many peeps in my life – brava, Nadine!!  (I am truly convinced that last night was not the first and last time we will see her on a stage on a night such as this.)
I’m sure that there have already been lots of recaps of various goings on last night.  I’ve not watched the news or been much on facebook since the show aired, so I’m sorry if this is repetitive. 
Here are my Random Thoughts of Last Night:
Barbra Streisand singing “Memory”.  Does anyone else see and hear Tom Hanks in Big whenever you hear that song?  Sorry, Babs, but it’s true.  "Memory...likethecornersofmymind..."
Kristin Chenoweth is so stinkin’ tiny, she makes me feel like Adele.  Seriously, watching Kristin interview Adele was like watching Jack and the Beanstalk.

I’ve never seen so much coverage of the balconies at an awards ceremony. Now, if the producers really wanted this year’s ceremony to make history, they’d have had these guys in the balcony seats:

I don't know what their official title is but if I was one of the people on the red carpet with the clipboards and walkie talkie shuffling people from one camera to the next, making sure no one stepped on Charlize's gown, etc., I would be drinking for weeks afterwards.  Way too much stress.
Poor Kristen Stewart.  She clearly thought that the awards were next weekend and on her way home from the gym, she found out she needed to be somewhere special.  Really?  I was embarrassed for her. 
Has anyone ever seen Seth McFarlane and Christopher Knight (aka Peter Brady) in the same room?  (Don’t tell me that’s not the first thing you thought of too.)

How many SNL spoofs are already in the works about Jennifer Hudson’s friend/relative that she took with her?  God forgive me, but they will practically write themselves.
Please, Quvenzhane Wallis, don’t become a punk.  You are WAAAAAY cute.  Listen to your mother (unless your mother is best friends with Dina Lohan) and you’ll be good.  Promise.
When Channing Tatum was giving the award for Best Costume, he said, “And the award goes to Jacqueline Durran” and didn’t say the name of the movie.  I swear he can’t pronounce “Anna Karenina.”
Would some please, anyone, give Juliana Rancic a cupcake?  For the love of God.

Until next year...

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