Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Picky Eaters

So, I try to "really" cook at least three nights a week.  Some nights, it's not possible because of our work/FSPA schedules.  But on the "nice meal" nights, I make a new recipe and we weigh in on if it's a keeper or not.   I have a big binder where I keep all my recipes and after we try a new one, it either goes back in (if we like it enough to try it again) or in the trash (if it's not to be tried...ever again).  We've worked really hard this year to make this happen and it's been great.  We've all loved not eating the same thing over and over again and it's been fun eating (and cooking) new stuff.  

The only way I can make this happen is by planning out what we'll eat over the weekend and go shopping before the week gets going.  I promise you, I'm not as organized as this sounds in all areas of my life.  I've just made a commitment to these "nice" meals (for at least as long as our schedules allow) and we do what we need to to make it happen.  Sometimes it's a new crock recipe or something that I make ahead of time and throw in to the oven as soon as I get home.  Sometimes (at least once a week) I make the whole thing when we get home and the kids'll pitch in and help as much as they can.

 It all sounds great on paper.  But I've created monsters.  Food monsters.

Earlier this week, I realized that I was short a meal and I didn't have time to run to the store (which is why I always plan ahead) to grab anything.  In our freezer in the basement, I found some fried chicken and tater tots. 
Most children - would have been thrilled.  Fried goodness, to be covered with ranch dressing or ketchup.  Yum. I was hating every minute of it, but had a cucumber so I was able to at least put something remotely healthy on the plate...

Not these two.

When getting ready for bed that night - "Um, Mumma.  What happened?  You didn't even bread this chicken yourself, did you?" And "the taters tots aren't seasoned either, are they?"  "Are we going to have to have another meal like this - ever?"

Really?  Really?

Don't get me wrong - we love that M and H are more than willing to try new things.  We love that they like to name the herbs and spices they taste.  They are as comfortable eating with chopsticks as they are with a fork and knife.  They'd much rather eat at a fancy restaurant than a fast food joint.  This is all good.

But really?  Really?


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