Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are Your Ears Burning?

So, in a few hours, the girls' first friends, "The Boys" will be over. We'll hang out with their parents all night as they play for hours, doing God knows what and loving every minute of it.  They are dear friends of ours. You know the kind I'm talking about - so close they come to your "family parties" even though they aren't technically family. We love them to pieces and are so thankful that they are in our lives.  I know their family always will be.

Anyway, it made me start to think of the friends that I had when I was younger...
...which made me start to think of people that were in my life for any number of reasons, that I no longer see much (if at all) any more...
...which made me wonder who (if anyone) thinks about me and wonders what I'm up to, how I am, what I'm like as an adult...

Kinda weird.

I'm not saying that I'm kinda weird (although that may be debatable by some..).  I'm just saying that, now that I think about it, I bet there are a lot of people who think about each one of us on a regular (or not so regular) basis without our knowing that they do so. To me, that's weird.

The more I thought about this, the more random people popped in to my head that I've not seen or thought of in years.  Here are a few.

I wondered about Charlie.  We'd return to our classroom after being at recess or gym or something and his entire desk would be tipped upside down, with all its contents on the floor because his desk was so messy and it was the only way our teacher could get him to organize his stuff.  Brilliant.  (Now, a teacher would get sued for doing something like that.  Ridiculous - but that's an entirely different post.)  He'd shake his head like, "here I go again" and start pick up on aisle 5.

Twins, Amy and Julie, were the first twins I ever knew.  I remember them being so different from each other and I thought that was so cool.  I guess I should have taken a lot of notes while I had the chance.

I dated a guy, Doug, who my cousins are still close to (so I s'pose I could still have easily kept in touch with him).  I was a complete and total jerk to him, in every way.  He is married (or at least I know he was married) so I am thankful that I did not turn him completely away from the female species.  Yes, I was that much of a horrible person.  Ugh.

I went through elementary school with a kids named, Chris.  For the most  part, I am not at all competitive as an adult. I think that is because I was off the charts competitive with him for so many years.   If he got 19 answers correct, I wanted to get 20.  If I got to sit in the front of the class right in front of the teacher, he wanted to sit right next to me.  There was no way that he was going to skip a reading level without me following suit.  I was sure of that.   We definitely had a love/hate relationship.  Thinking of him makes me remember that, at one point in my life I was quite smart.  I'm not sure what happened. I think that maybe I got dropped on my head when I was twelve and this is what I was left with.  In any event, I wonder what Chris is up to.

Mrs. Goss (who I actually bumped in to ten years or so ago) was, in my memory, the most beautiful person ever.  She reminded me of Snow White.  (I told her that when I saw her.  Ok - so maybe THAT'S weird.)  I loved second grade and I'm sure that she had everything to do with it.

Anyway, my point is - as I sit and type up this silly blog, I wonder if there's anyone thinking about me. Or thinking about you.  Whether it's someone that we've not seen in decades or someone we saw last night.  I never really thought about it before.

It kinda creeps me out - and makes me smile - all at the same time.

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