Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dinner Anyone?

So, you know when you say something and it comes out completely differently from how you meant it to come out?  Well, usually, I'm the one who says something and then, moments later, I'm like "oh, wait, that's not what I meant...no, really."  (Just ask my friends about our visit last week to Guru.)  This time, it was not I who said something that made someone want to cry or scream.  It was my daughter. And she said it to me.

Earlier today, the girls and I went home after school.  H and M typically have FSPA "stuff " on Mondays and I teach, but H is not feeling 100% and I figured that we should take one more afternoon of chillin' out before the madness of production week begins.  (Their role in The Sound of Music doesn't require many crazy nights this week, but still...)  I had a sub scheduled for today anyway then, as it turns out, didn't need her (thanks, P!!) but had her teach for me anyway.  H rested all afternoon and hopefully she's good as new in a jiffy. 

ANYwho...on our way home from school I told them that they had rehearsal from 6:30-7 and that G had to be there for 7.  So, I'd make them a quick egg sandwich, scrambled eggs, toast, fruit salad or something.  We have had "production weeks"  since they were three.  They know the drill.  We sort of eat on the go and, to be honest, I don't mind it all that much.  Our entire Four Family is involved in FPAC so it makes it fun. And it's only for a few nights.  Some peeps have to eat like that all week, year-round, because of their schedules. We are very fortunate.

Anyway, M's response:  "Mumma, are you EVER going to cook us a NICE dinner?"

Now, I know she meant "was I ever going to cook a nice dinner THIS WEEK", meaning "will we be ships passing in the night until curtain on Saturday night?"  But the way it came out, it was as if she wondered if I was EVER going to cook a nice dinner EVER!

SO not a big deal, but I guess I must have just been feeling extra fragile because I felt so badly for myself.  I nearly started to cry.  (I am not a cryer, so when I do, look out...just ask G.  He typically laughs at me-which makes me cry more.)

Anyway, I don't do everything right, by any means, but I work SO hard at balancing work and home.  Life is too short not too.  Soon enough, it'll be G and me staring across the coffee table eating dinner, just the two of us, because the kids'll be off doing who knows what. This time is important.

Given our busy schedules, we eat dinner together a LOT during the week. This is something that is very important to G and me and I do all that I can to make sure this happens.

And when I say dinner I don't mean throw some stuff from the freezer to the oven to the table, (not there's anything wrong with that).  I mean full-on dinners.  I have a BINDER of new recipes that I try each week for these stinkin' rugrats.

...Apparently, though, I don't do it enough.

It's funny really.  She SO didn't mean it. I knew that.  But it hurt my feelings anyway. I told her so (because we're all about teaching them to talk about when something's bothering us). And of course, in typically M fashion, she lost her mind because she had made me feel badly.

Oh well.  Now she knows what it feels like...

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