Friday, February 1, 2013

My Name Is Zoom and I Live On The Moon...

H and M have asked me for years "when you were little, what was it like, not having a sister?"  (They can't even imagine.)

My answer has always been the same.  "Well, I sorta did."

I had a cousin.  And it's her birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Dee.  I love you more than you know.

I can't even begin to recount the stories. It would take a lifetime.

It's probably a good thing that we don't live near each other.  I'd not want to work or sleep.  I'd just want to hang out with you...and that wouldn't make for very productive people...

I love everything about you.  Always have.  Always will.  Even when "life" or miles have gotten in the way.

So often, in the middle of the day, I think of you and start to laugh.  I mean, gaffaw laugh-out-loud.  I don't even try to explain.  It's my own little secret.   That only you would understand.

I hope you have a kick-arse day.

I love you!!!

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