Friday, March 1, 2013


I just printed out all of my blog entries that I've written thus far and will continue to do so every time I post.  Man, I have spent a lot of time on this foolishness.  But that means less time on dumb tv, so it's all good.  A friend of mine suggested that I print them out in case the website goes down or something. That would be sad. (Thanks for the heads up, J!!) 

This blog could be a nice "look back" - not only for me, but for our Four Family and for H and M.  I know they will be scarred for life when they learn how much I shared about them on Facebook.  Oh well.  It is what it is. 

I don't think they will feel the same way about this here blog.  (At least not yet...)  I hope they enjoy reading it when they are older.  And when I'm old and gray.  And in that horrible nursing home in Cumberland.  You know that one just past the Ice Cream Machine?  It's horribly depressing to look at as you pass by. Each time we do, Guy yells out, "everyone say 'hi' to Mumma!".  He's such a jerk.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, love the story at the end about Guy, that's him! Re Saving: it's easier to save your blog posts to your hard drive as WORD doc(s), or even better: drop them into an email and send them to yourself. Kind of an ongoing backup.
    Joe B.
