Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Love Story

As we prepare to celebrate Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share this story of romance.

Before G and I got married, we attended a day-long Pre-Cana class.  (For you non-Catholics, this is a fancy way of saying mandatory marriage counseling).

At one point in the day, we all were instructed to write a letter to our future spouse. To the best of my recollection, the letter was supposed to express what we loved about the other person, what we most looked forward to and such.  It pretty much was a love letter (...that a priest instructed us to write.  I guess that's kind of weird, but whatever...we did what we were told.)

I, of course, took this very seriously and while I honestly don't remember what I wrote, I know that I labored over this letter.  I wanted to share with Guy all that was in my heart and soul.  I had waited for this love that I had found with him all my life.  I couldn't wait until we proclaimed our love in front of our family and friends a few short months later.  I couldn't believe that I had found the love of my life in him - someone I'd known all along.  I'm sure it was filled with sickeningly sweet sentiments like this.  And I meant every word. 

As I was writing my letter, I kept watching Guy write his.  I was surprised that he was so busy writing.  He never looked up from his pen and paper.  Not necessarily one to be all that "mushy", I was so intrigued by what he had to say.  I was so happy that he was taking this so seriously.  It made me fall in love with him all over again.

I finished my letter first and I patiently and anxiously awaited his.  I was so in love and, while I knew he loved me, I couldn't wait to read what he had written.

Well, this is what he wrote.  No joke.

Dear Kim,
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really...[for the entire page] love you.
Love, Guy

I should have known what I was getting myself in to at that point.  I have no one to blame but myself.

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