Monday, February 11, 2013

As Crush Would Say...

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.  It’s not always easy.  In fact, sometimes, it feels downright impossible.  But really, there are times when what is “supposed” to happen may not necessarily be what we “expect” or "want" to happen.

I saw this in full swing this weekend at my cousin’s wedding.  Months of planning and then – BAM! a blizzard of epic proportion.   Long story short, the wedding was scheduled for Saturday and it ended up happening on Sunday.  In the end, it was a great weekend, fabulous wedding and M and L are on the beach on the honeymoon as I type.  All’s well.  But I’m sure that there were times this weekend  when they wanted to jump of a high cliff.  They had to change their plans so many times, make adjustments, re-adjust, and then change again.
Who knows why their biggest day ever was messed with?  Maybe it's because ... (regardless of the name of this blog) it wasn't "all about them".  That seems crazy at first glance because it's their wedding day, for goodness sakes.  (And I gotta tell ya - we're talking about two fab people.  They are off the charts amazing for more reasons than I can name.  Love them to pieces!!)  But, I talked with a lot of peeps this weekend and we all seem to be in agreement that it's easy to forget (or not even think about) Big Picture because we're so focused on ourselves.  Maybe, because of the turn of events this weekend, other things happened that wouldn't have happened if the weekend had gone as we all had planned.  Who knows?  Maybe conversations were had, moments were spent, relationships were strengthened (you get the picture)...because of the way it all unfolded.  As much as they probably wish they weren't, maybe M and L were the catalysts for some Big Picture stuff to happen.

While they (and others) surely had their moments of being pissed, sad, annoyed and frustrated, their ability to have Faith in what was happening was amazing. I certainly wasn't with them for every moment but when I was with them, I was in awe of their strength and ability to go with the flow.  Just love them.

Thanks, M and L, for teaching me this lesson this weekend.  I think I needed it.  Maybe we all did.

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