Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Birthday, Guyzee!!!

The first birthday I remember celebrating with you (it may not have been the first one, but it's the first one I remember) was when you turned 21.  I remember thinking that you were "so old" and "so cool."  I remember waiting in the car as you bought your first legal mean your first six pack ever.  Anyway...I never imagined that all these years later, we'd still be celebrating.  I guess I never really thought about it.  It just sort of happened.  And before you know it, here we are, lotsa years (and gray hair) later.  And I wouldn't change a thing.  Well, there are a few things...but those don't need to be brought up here...

You share your birthday with Big Bird, Bobby Orr, Carl Reiner, Mr. Rogers, to name a few.  Not bad company, I'd say.  Oh and Janene Asgeirsson...she's sort of okay company...

No matter what anybody else says about're not half bad.  In fact, you're a real stand up guy.  (Except when you're watching a Patriots game.  Then you leave a lot to be desired.  But really, that's just my opinion.)  Some people find it entertaining to be with you during a Pats game.  I'm just not one of them.

You make me laugh like no one else.  You laugh at me when I get really angry with you.  That bugs the shit out of me when you do it, but after the fact, it's pretty funny.

You are the best Daddio in the land.  And that's the greatest thing you could ever, ever be.  You work really hard at it.  And you're doing a great job.  Our kids are proof.  They're not perfect.  Neither are we.  But I think they'll not turn out half bad.  Thank you for all you do for them.

Thank you for all you do for me.  You let me be me.  I know that's not always easy. 

But really, when all is said and done, this is how I think people should remember you on birthday.  It's perfectly appropriate.  You're welcome.  

Happy Birthday, Guyzee.  I LOVE YOU!!

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