Sunday, March 17, 2013

Girls Will Be...Daddy's Girls

We knew we were having twins very early on in my pregnancy.

That was a blessing.  It took us a long time to wrap our arms around that little tidbit of life info.  Yikes.

It was around five months or so that we found out we were having two girls.  Literally, the first thing out of G's mouth (poor thing, he turned white as a ghost) was "oh, God, they will be thirteen some day." 

He just couldn't imagine having two girls for many reasons.  His family is quite small.  No sisters.  No girl cousins.  He's a guy's guy.  All sports.  All pat on the behind, in your face, swear, watch football and drink a beer kinda guy.  Not one, but two girls...What in the world would he do with that?

Well, suffice to say, he has figured it out.  They are Daddy's Girls.  Through and through.  I just sit back and watch.  And smile.

Today, we came home and, as I headed to the grocery store, the three of them donned hats and gloves and went outside to play football.  They came inside a while later, freezing cold, red cheeks, smelling like "outside" and loving life.  

I'd say he's doing just fine.

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