Saturday, March 2, 2013


I've heard this story a number of times but really should double check the facts before sharing.  Ah well...the following will be mostly accurate, I'd say.  And, it's really not the most appropriate story considering that we potentially are in mixed company.  However, again, it's a good story so I will proceed.  (As you know by now, I'm all in favor of a good story.)

G was in high school.  Not sure what grade.  He had completed a paper.  I think it was for health.  Clearly, while having a serious lapse of judgement, he let a friend copy his paper. From what I understand, I think he was under the impression that his friend was going to use his paper simply as a guide.  (You know where this is going, don't you?)

You guessed it.  The friend gave G back his paper and proceeded to tell him that he had copied it word for word.  G was none too pleased but, at that point, there wasn't much that he could do.  He was in a different class than his friend, who assured him that, because they would be turning their papers in hours apart, the teacher would never find out.  I am horrified a) that the friend thought that and b) that perhaps the teacher wouldn't have noticed.

Anyway, a few days later, G turned in his paper and was surely ready to move on. Suddenly, the friend barreled in to the room and announced to the teacher, "Sorry I was absent yesterday.  Here's the paper I was supposed to turn in then."

Yep. Right on top of G's paper.  There was no way the teacher wouldn't realize that what had happened.
G sweat it out all afternoon and night and was just counting the minutes until they both got in trouble.

He returned to school the next day, pretty much waiting to be called down to the Principal's Office.

You'll never believe what happened.

The teacher's house burned down to the foundation and all of the papers were destroyed.  Everyone in the course got an A.

Are you kidding me?!!?

Now, that's a good story, right?

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