Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Little OCD

I saw this today and it made me laugh.  I've been crazed by making this very hard decision a number of times in my life.  It made me think of other OCD-ish type things I do on a nearly daily basis.

Don't roll your eyes at me.  You know you have them too.

I have to buy and eat things in multiples of two.  For instance, I could never take three strawberries or grapes from T's tupperware at work (Thanks for sharing!)  I'd have to eat two or four...or, given my appetite, six ... or eighteen.  If pairs of socks are 3 for $10, I'd have to buy 6.  Same thing with cans of corn, tissue get the point.  (I actually think this stems from having twins and always buying things in pairs for so long.  Either way, I still have to do it - with everything!)

When I go running and need to attach my key to my shoelace, I cannot have it tied to my right shoe.  It makes me nuts.  It always goes on the left.

When I dry my hair in the morning, the lights in the bathroom have to be turned off.  It's not because I'm frugal.  It's because I'm nuts.

The napkin fold has to be on the outside of the plate when I'm setting the table.

I always have to brush my bottom left teeth first.

Dishes always have to go in to the dishwasher with the bottom of the dish facing the stove, not the sink.

The pillow cases on our bed need to open to the outside. Opening to the inside would be madness.

Pens and pencils need to be point down in my pencil holder.  This is partly because I don't like the mess when pens explode at the bottom of the holder.  It's also partly because they just have to be that way.

So, I guess I don't really know what OCD is.  Perhaps none of these things demonstrate OCD.  Perhaps, I'm just quirky.  Either way, after reading this, if you are ever doing laundry in our house, please be sure that when you're folding G's t-shirts, the white ones go on top.

Thanks much.

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