Monday, March 25, 2013

Walkin' the Tightrope

This weekend was all about balance. 

Boys' Night for G and a fun night out with some gals for me.
"Date Night" (where we left the restaurant without paying...we apparently need to not be left alone so that our friends can take care of us...). 
Mumma and Daddy cuddle time with H and M.
But also a sleepover at a friend's house/bowling/birthday party.
A little bit of working but not "too much".
Family party. 
Late night hang with besties.  
Dinner and drinks (and lots of laughs) at home with great friends and the 'rents. 
We even got to spend time with A Babe this weekend! 
The only thing missing was getting in enough hang time with the "usual gang" (although we did have a few minutes on Saturday and plenty of texts back and forth).

This balance is hard to get.  We're all going in so many different directions.  It's hard to not get pushed and pulled and then, before you know it, you're very heavy in one direction or another. 

It's not always easy but both G and I try to keep this balance in our lives and the girls' as much as possible. 

After a weekend like this, it makes you realize just how important it is for the soul. 


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