Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Twelve Bags

Twelve bags. 
That’s it.  Twelve bags.
It’s what (at the least) we’ve promised to ourselves that our Four Family would give to the Franklin Food Pantry this year.  We can – and I’m sure we will – give more.
We want H and M to know that when we are out of double chocolate granola bars, it’s really not all that tragic.
If we have to use raspberry and lime shampoo because we run out of misty rain, we will all survive.  (And G will smell nice and fruity.)
When there is no more ziti macaroni left on our pantry shelves in the cellar and we have to have medium shells instead, life will go on.
We want H and M to know that there are people, right here in Franklin, who have trouble making ends meet.  People that they go to school with.  People that they see every day.
We want them to know that we can help.
We want them to know that they have helped.
I am so thankful that G brought up this idea at dinner last month.  I am proud of him for committing our family to doing this.  It’s easy to think about it.  It’s actually easy to do it.  You just have to DO it.  And now we are.

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