Friday, January 11, 2013

Name That Tune, Kathy Lee Gifford

Earlier today, M asked me, "Mumma, what is that song?  You know.  Something, Something State of Mind."  As the breath returned to my body (I am still horrified that she couldn't sing "New York State of Mind" word for word ... sorry Billy!), it occurred to me that there are countless "classic" songs (in my opinion) that H and M just don't know.  Never will know - unless we introduce them - starting now! Sure, they'll be okay without knowing them, but I think that they will be better if they do know them. Live them. Breathe them. Just as we did. Just look how we turned out!!

"Their music" (oh my God, I am so middle-aged) is just not the same.  It won't last for decades.  I just don't think it will. I could be wrong.  And if I am, I apologize to you personally, Taylor Swift.  Don't write a break up song about me, please. We can still be BFFs, if you want.

But until then, here's the start of my list of songs (in no particular order) that I will be sure our Four Family can sing at the top of its lungs at a moment's notice.  This is my list.  Right now.  It will change in five and a half minutes.  Don't go getting all huffy if there's not a song on here that you think should be.  Go make your own list.  Right now, these are my "must know songs" for our daughters.

Lessons will start tomorrow immediately following dinner, girls. Get your dancin' shoes on and grab a hairbrush. We've got some rockin' out to do!

1.  New York State of Mind - Billy Joel
2.  Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder
3. You've Got A Friend - James Taylor
4.  Runaway - Bon Jovi
5.  So Far Away - Carole King
6. Domino - Van Morrison
7. Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benetar
8.  Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
9.  Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne
10.  Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond

And speaking of Kathy Lee Gifford, (see title of post), remember watching "Live with Regis and Kathy Lee" every morning.  Painful.  And yet, I couldn't turn it off.  She's a complete and total train wreck. 

Peace out.

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