Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Good Morning, Baltimore...err, Franklin

When I was a kid, my mom would wake me up by slowly lifting up my shades, quietly walking over to my bed, kissing me and whispering "Baby Kim, it's time to get up."  It was such a peaceful way to start the day.  She did this for as long as I can remember.  I have always thought that this was such a great way to start the day - no dreadful alarm blaring in my ear, no bright lights glaring in my face.  I like to think that this is one of the things that helped set the tone for the rest of my day.  Generally speaking, I had nothing to complain about (still don't) so I'm sticking with the theory that this wake up call is one of the many things that got me out the door with a smile on my face, ready to start the day.

Now, with H and M, I try to do the same.  Each school day, they wake up first (that's a whole other blog post - note to self) and come in to our bedroom.  They kiss me on the cheek and cuddle in bed with me.  H with Taggie in hand, squeezing in to my right side with my arm around her.  And M wrapped around my left arm, turned on her side, curled up in a little ball trying to squeeze in a few more moments of quiet. 

Most mornings we don't talk.  If we do, I just ask about any dreams they had, what the day ahead of us looks like.  Little things.  Mostly we just chill.  We hardly ever fall asleep again, unless it's a weekend and then all bets are off.  Depending on what time it is and what needs to happen next, we may stay there for five, ten, thirty minutes.  Then, I head downstairs to get their breakfast while they cuddle underneath our covers.  Sometimes, as I leave the room, I hear little giggles or pushes and shoves like puppies, as they try to get in to just the right spot before they start their day.

Today's breakfast, strawberries (mother of the year award) and left over chicken fingers (mother of the year award goes to someone else).  In our house, you must have a healthy breakfast - like fruit and/or yogurt.  However, said healthy breakfast may (and should) include cold pizza, leftover chinese food or macaroni whenever it's available. 

H and M are happy kids.  That's a fact.  I'm not sure if this trend will continue, but I sure hope so.  Is it because of our morning routine?  Probably not.  But I'm just not willing to give it up - just in case.

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