Sunday, January 20, 2013


I ended up running 11 by myself this morning so I had a loooong time by myself to think.  That's one of the reasons why I really like running alone sometimes.  I'm not often by myself for more than a few minutes and running alone, especially on a long run, gives me a chance to shake out the cobwebs in my head and think about whatever I want. 

Today, I thought a lot about good ol' Franklin, MA.  It is where I have lived for my entire life.  I can't imagine I'll ever live anywhere else.  My parents grew up here.  My husband grew up here.  So did my grandparents and most of my cousins, aunts and uncles.  It is my home.  I have a story here, decades and decades long.  It doesn't let me forget where I came from or where I'm going.  I'm pretty sure I'd have been a good kid anyway, but this town wouldn't let me be otherwise.  I didn't want to let the folks of this town down.  And I'm pretty sure I still feel the same way.

When I was growing up, I never really said that I wanted to stay in Franklin.  I think I just always knew that I would.  I'm not even sure if G and I officially talked about where we'd live.  It was a given.

I recognize that there are plenty of people who can't wait to get outta their hometown.  I totally and completely get that.  The idea of living in the same town (practically on the same street) for your whole life surely would suffocate many.  I get that too.  But for me, I can't imagine life any differently.  I love to travel and if our bank account allowed, we'd travel more as a Four Family, for sure.  H and M are a bit obsessed with Hong Kong right now and can't wait to visit there.  They are hyperventilating at the mere thought that I may be there again this summer and they won't.  I do think a lot about packing up and moving someplace far away for a half a year or so.  Someplace totally and completely different from here.  I'd truly love that and if our life allowed, I honestly think I'd do it.  I'd love to see more of the world and I'd love even more to see it with G and the girls.  Then, when that stint was up, I'd of course, happily come back to my hometown.  It's where I belong.

As I ran this morning, I can't tell you how many people I knew as their cars drove past.  Some were generation-old family friends, some were parents of students I teach, some were family members, some were friends who are family.  It made me feel deeply connected to this place.  Surely, if I lived someplace else, I'd know plenty of people and feel amazing connections with people.  I'd build amazing relationships with people, relationships that are unlike what I build here perhaps.  But - for me - I think I'd miss "this".  This deep rooted connection.  I'd miss not having a history with people that I bump  in to on a daily basis, at the bank, store or on the street.  I love that. 

Earlier this week, I posted an entry called "Four Men".  Today I went to Vinnie's wake to pay respects to an amazing man and to show my love for an amazing family.  The line of people paying their respects was super long, winding down Cottage Street, made up of people - young and old - all there to pay homage to a man who gave so much to this town.  It made me proud to be part of this town.  Its history, its present and its future. 

I surely don't know where H and M will end up.  If you ask them right now, they want to live in houses side by side each other, right next to our house.  They want to go to school in Boston and go out for lunch with G (and Poni, Jill and Catherine) on a weekly basis.  ( I guess they assume those folks will always be around too!!)  Who knows if they will.  But wherever they end up, I hope they never forget this town.  This place where their roots have been planted.  Alongside others who love this town too.  

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