Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Here Goes Nothing...

So, I've been told by many "you should have a blog" ... so now I do. 

I'm not quite sure why I took the plunge today. 

Maybe it's because it's a New Year.   It's probably easier than losing the 15 pounds I've been trying to lose at the beginning of each year...since 2003...

Maybe it's because I want to prove to myself that I can do this. I'm pretty happy with my life the way it is.  It's pretty comfy cozy.  OK - it's really comfy cozy.  Perhaps I don't challenge myself as much as I maybe should.  Why not start a blog?  Cleaning my closets would be easier, but I guess I've already committed to this.

Maybe it's because I want to prove to those who said that I can, that I really can't.  Because, every now and again, I like to prove people wrong.  In a weird sort of way.  I'm quite nice and agreeable but when people least expect it, I really do relish is saying "I told you so!!"  Especially to my husband.  But more about him later.

So here we are.  All of us.  It's funny though. As I write this, I'm writing to no one in particular.  I have no idea what to do with this blog.  That's sort of weird.  Truth be told, I'm sure that some best buds will read this. Maybe a few parents from work.  Some family.  That's likely it.  And that's cool. 

It'll give me something to do  besides watching mindless tv each night.  I can also write while my husband's working out downstairs.  Now that it's in writing, he'll have to work out more regularly.  See how I have helped him with his New Year resolution already?  'Cuz I'm a giver.  Maybe it's NOT all about me...

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