Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Fat Crabby Pants

First of all, that says "crabby" and not "crappy".  That would be an entirely different entry.

Big Fat Crabby Pants.  This is what I call M and H when they are a bit off their "A" game and in need of a smile and a chill out session.

Actually, more appropriately, I should spell it Bigfatcrabbypants.  It's to be spoken fast and unapologetically.  I have no problem telling them when they are in need of a readjustment.  It is what it is.  If I need to deal with them when they are in a mood with a 'tude, they are going to know about it.  (Those of you who have seen my interact with my children have surely seen this unfold.)

Well, yesterday, it was not H and M who were Bigfatcrabbypants.  It was their Mother. For absolutely no reason, I couldn't wait for the day to be over yesterday.  (Well, their Father was a bit of a Crabbypantsman himself but he had good reason. And to be fair, he wasn't nearly as high on the Crab Meter as I'd have expected given...shhhh...the outcome of The Game.

The only time when I wasn't rolling my eyes at Life yesterday was a) when I was talking to H and M's great friend's dad.  They had just returned from Disney and I LOVE talking about Disney.  Besides this, he is one of THE nicest guys on the planet. It would be criminal to not be happy when chatting with him, b) when talking to some bestest buds about a great weekend they had in NYC.  I love that they had a blast and I love that they got away.  I also love when they come home because life is just a bit outta wack for me when they are gone and c) when I spent time in the classroom with a dear mentor, friend and one of my fav peeps in the whole world.  Seeing her each week makes me giddy.

Other than that, yep - pretty much Bigfatcrabbypants.

Here was my day.  I slept in.  I watched the inauguration on tv  (God bless, America! - amazing day).  The girls were lovely and well-behaved and played with their friend all morning. (Their buddy is a doll.  See great dad above.  Apples don't fall far.  Great family!)  I left for work.  G painted walls and ceilings in our house that needed painting and they look great.  He hooked up our printer that we desperately needed.  My classes are prepared (putting this in print is the Kiss of Death) for their musical theater showcase next week.  We had a yummy dinner that was pretty much ready when I walked in the door from work.  We had no laundry or housework to do.  I went to bed. 

Nope.  You didn't miss anything.  There. Was. No. Need. For. My.  Crabbypantsness.  And yet, I couldn't get out of my way.  It was a huge pile of Crab, staring at me in the face, allllllll daaaaaay loooooong.

Even this morning, I woke up at 3 am.  I was not crabby because I woke up in the middle of the night (although that would be a good reason).  I knew I'd fall right back to sleep.  And I did.  I was crabby because I had been crabby all day.  It was a vicious circle.  A vicious crabby circle.  A vicious crabby circle of  ridiculousness.

When I woke up this morning, I knew I had to remedy the situation.  I wore mismatched socks provided by H and M.  I find it odd and fanTAStic that we can and do wear the same socks.  I wore hightop converse sneaks.  Really, if I had on my favorite jeans as well, I'd have been in heaven.  I packed a big bottle of tabasco to go on my soup for lunch and it was delish.  If those three things didn't set me in the right direction today, I don't know what would.

Thankfully, I made it out okay.  Phew.  I'm home making dinner, the day after.  (Must remember to fix time/date stamp.  I promise I'm not so nuts as to start making dinner at 3pm.)  Girls are done with homework.  G is on his way home.  I think we've turned a Crabby Corner.  Thank goodness for small, crabby miracles.

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