Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

I wrote this letter a few days ago.  You may have seen it.
"Dear Future Spouses of Madison and Hannah, I am trying to impress upon them the fact that simply hiding their dirty socks and underwear behind the trash in their bathroom does not ensure that it will get washed and or put away. So far, I have not been successful in my teachings. I continue to remain committed to this process on your behalf. You're welcome".
I now have another to add.
"Hello.  It's me again.  This Future Mother-In-Law business is tough work.  I feel as if it's only fair that I warn you.  (At least at the current moment), your lovely future brides prefer to go to bed with "the day" still on their faces. Washing their faces with soap and water before bed seems to allude them.  The fact that they don't seem to be bothered by the grime is disturbing.  Equally disturbing is the fact that they insist that they simply 'forget'.  (We must not be dealing with rocket scientists, here.)  I had a FIT before bedtime last night (not my proudest moment) but when I closed the door, they were so upset, they went right to sleep and didn't even chat for a minute. So, if ever you want to make them stop talking as you're trying to hit the hay, just bring up sludge-face and they'll roll over and go right to sleep.  On a good note, your favorite father-in-law went in to talk to them (he was the "good cop") and told them it was not a big deal but a) wash their stinkin' faces and b) to be sure to apologize for being knuckleheads and making me annoyed for something so dumb and making us all upset.  They apologized as soon as they woke me up this morning.  So you'll be happen to know that they aren't too proud to say 'I'm sorry.'"  (At least we're doing something right.)

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