Thursday, May 30, 2013


...I try coffee and really want to like it.  I never do.
...I wonder how happy I'd be if my southern and northern cousins all lived in the same town as me.  Priceless.
...I envy watching G "work" the room at a party, while I try (and usually fail) at coming up with the next thing to say to someone.  I know you don't believe me, but it's painful.
...I wonder what other name I look like besides "Kim".  Pam?  Lisa?  Kelly?  Mr. Falcone always called me Pam.
...I can't wait until H and M can wear contacts.
...I laugh when I sing in church without a microphone and am perfectly loud enough.  Gotta love those Pecci genes.
...I am amazed, thrilled and terrified that we are responsible for raising two daughters.
...the laundry can wait.  The dishes in the sink, however, cannot.
...being kind is easy. is not.
...I practice tap steps in my kitchen when no one is looking.
...I eat my lunch really early in the day and then get depressed that it's all gone.
...I sit at the piano and, for a split second, totally forget how to read a single note.
...I am in awe at the speed with which I change into comfy clothes after work.
...I wonder what I did in my free time before facebook or this blog. 
...I can eat a sleeve of oreos without anyone noticing I even opened my mouth.
...I am embarrassed at how little I know about so many things.
 ...when I pull in to this driveway, I wonder why I'd ever want to be anywhere else.
...I think about my best buds scattered around the country and I laugh out loud for no particular reason.
...I think we should get a dog and then I realize that that is the silliest thing I've thought all day.
...(always) I am beyond words thankful for my parents.
...when I listen to my recorded voice, I want to vomit.
...I take out stuff to dust the tv or furniture, remember that Ingrid will be here in a few days to clean, and then I put the dusting stuff away and watch tv.  That, my friends, is the epitome of lazy. various times throughout the winter, I honestly think that summer will never get here. (and you know who you are) should never wear a thong.
...I wonder what I would do if I didn't live in my hometown.  (Just today someone said to me, "aren't you Franklin's Miss from a long time ago?!?!")
...I worry myself sick that I won't be around to meet and love my grandchildren and great grandchildren.
...I feel like I could run forever.
...I feel like I couldn't run to the end of (my very short) driveway.
...I smell "childhood smells" and I am instantly nine again.
...I just sit and listen to H and M talk to each other.  And I smile.
...I get so angry I say "I could spit nickels" (just like my gram).
...I am so full and yet I eat more.  Much more.
...I am amazed that I haven't broken or lost these sunglasses yet.
...I wish we didn't have a mortgage.  I don't need millions.  Just no mortgage, please.
...I think that if I were 15 pounds lighter, I'd be happier.
...I know that if I were 15 pounds lighter, I'd be happier.  (Sorry, Hol.)
...I watch G build something and it makes me love him even more (especially if it's something that I told him we didn't really need, but he insisted, and he was right.) cream for dinner is just what is on the menu. And tonight is that night.


  1. i love you despite the ridiculousness of that statement. this is my favorite post yet... :)
