Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Birds and the Bees

So, word on the street (at least in our house) is that H and M are finally going to watch “the puberty” video in school today.  They are totally stressed out about it. I can’t WAIT to pick them up from school, as the post-worthy quotes will be flying from both of their mouths with rapid speed, I am sure.
I, of course, have talked with them about “stuff”.  Probably not as much “stuff” as I should have at this point and probably not as accurately as I should (I just don’t like to say some of those words…) but we have talked about it.  We tend to have these talks when G is out or away.  He'd be WAY too nervous to be around.  But we still have a long way to go.  I’ll get to it.  I promise. Just give me some time.
It’s actually a miracle that I have two children.  My mom NEVER talked to me about “stuff”.  Ever.  EVER.  (Hmmm…I wonder where I get it from?!)  I find that hysterical.  All's well that ends well, I guess.
Maybe she and I will have to have “the talk” this weekend.  At least this time, we can both drink wine.  I’m sure that’ll make it much easier for both of us.


  1. I suspect you'll handle this the way you handle all the important beats in their lives: with love and tenderness.

    Besides, they smell fear.
    Don't let them smell the fear.

  2. And humor. Can't forget the humor. I find myself quite hysterical. Thanks for the tips on fear. I'll have to remember that.
