Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We spent part of the weekend with good friends of ours who are expecting their second child.  At the time, they were not sure if they were having a boy or a girl.  (Today they found out that they are having a girl!!!)

It made me think of when we found out we were having two girls.  I think I've said this before but literally the first thing out of G's mouth was "Oh God, they will be thirteen one day..." and then he went pasty white and got all clammy.  (Well, maybe I made that last part up, but he could have.)

He honestly thought that he didn't know the first thing about being a dad - especially the dad of girls.  Well, he proved himself wrong really quickly.  I'll never forget Day One in the hospital.  He, who had never changed a dipaer before, was a champ after the first change.  He was wrapping them in their baby blankets (in our house, aka Baby Burritos) in seconds flat.  Every day since then, he continues to prove that he was made for this job.  (Don't get me wrong - sometimes he's a bonehead, but aren't we all at times?)

It makes me laugh because he is the BEST dad for H and M. He totally "gets" the whole piano, dance, performing "thing" and at the same time, teaches them all about sports, wrestles with them like nobody's business and has no room for any unwanted or unnecessary drama or angst. (Surely, all these things come with both boys and girls, I'm merely generalizing for generalizing's sake.  Please don't get all PC on me.) You know what I mean.
I feel as if this is like a Father's Day Card a few weeks early.  Does this mean that I still need to be nice to him on June 16th, 'cuz I may be all out of compliments...

An oldie but one of my favorites.

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