Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Time Flies

You know, how some people draw hash marks on the doorframe to see how big their kids are getting?  Well, instead, I tend to use our guest room bed each spring.  Each year around this time, the bed becomes covered with Spring Concert costumes, tights, dance shoes and all the "stuff" that goes with it.  Last night, after the kids went to bed, I organized everything in preparation for their rehearsals next week. 

And, it was then that it struck me again that these kids, they are a-growin' up.  (Well, they are still "little" - will they EVER not need a child's small dance costume?)  But gone are the cutsy costumes.  This is the first year, where they have "big kid" costumes.  Now, please don't get me wrong - they are clearly not donning a classical tutu next weekend.  (They probably never will...)  And surely, their costumes, music, make-up and hair will always be "appropriate". We pride ourselves of this fact at FSPA, but this is not a plug for FSPA, 'cuz this blog is "all about me." But my point is they are also no longer dancing to Cinderella's Mouse March with magic wands in their hands.  When did that happen?

Last week, we were watching old Spring Concert videos of them with tears running down our faces we were laughing so hard.  They both were these little munchkins doing their thing on stage - totally clueless, often toothless, totally proud of their flap ball changes and curtsies. 

Now, they are to wear ballet studs next weekend (that's apparently a big deal) and, on Friday, they will learn how to apply their own ballet make-up and make their own buns. (M has been making her bun forEVER.  I NEVER do it right...)

Anyway, while I love to see their progress each year, (they are honestly better tappers now than I ever was, I think...), I still miss the "Olden Days."

Polychenelles in FPAC's Nutcracker

On the way to perform with Future Shock at Mechanics Hall

First Spring Concert ever - little elephants

Heading to Luciano's for the Gala

"Bunnies" (love you, Auntie Hil...)

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