Tuesday, May 21, 2013


So, a few days ago, we got a letter in the mail telling us that we were eligible for a "no strings attached" cruise for two to the the Bahamas.  Now, clearly, there are strings attached but I thought "well, why not call when I have a few minutes and see what's what?  Maybe we'd have to sit through a spiel about buying something but whatever - lemme see.  If it means a few days in the sun for 'free', sure!"

I had a minute today and I called.  I told the woman on the phone that I was calling simply to get some more information on the "deal".  She filled me in and then asked if I was ready to commit to the trip.  I said, "um, no.  I'm sorry if I was unclear. I just wanted to get some more information.  I'm definitely not going to commit to anything before talking to my husband."

She said, "well you are only allowed one phone call per mailing and your account was activated at the beginning of this phone call.  You need to commit now or you won't be eligible."  I said, "oh, okay, well if that's the case then, my apologies.  I misunderstood you.  I'd want to talk to my husband and such. Thanks for your time."  I couldn't have POSSIBLY been nicer to her.  Sometimes, I annoy myself...

Dimwit puts me on hold and her manager comes on the phone.  I go through the whole "apology" thing again (still not sure what I did "wrong" but it's in my nature, I guess...) and the manager gets livid ... and hangs up on me.

Really. I wish you could have seen my face as I sat at my desk.  Priceless. 

That's how I started my day.  It clearly improved from there.

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