Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Table

I'm sitting in my kitchen, waiting for the life insurance gal to get here to do my physical so that I can renew my life insurance policy.  Ho hum.

Anyway, as I sit here waiting, it reminds me of the time when G and I were getting our dining room table delivered. It was one of our first "real" purchases for our house and I was so excited.  We had to work and couldn't be home for the delivery so I asked my Usher Dupey ("Little Man" blogpost) if he could wait at our house.

I swear, he got here HOURS earlier than he needed to.  He was SO excited to be a part of the day.  I'm sure he asked the delivery guy questions about how the table was made and how it should be cleaned.  I'm sure he gave him suggestions on how he could have been doing a better job.  I'm sure he swore at the guy under his breath (sort of) for numerous things.  I'm sure the delivery guy was pleased...he just wanted to get rid of the damn table.

Usher Dupey couldn't wait for us to get home so that we could check out the table and make sure that everything was okay.  I imagine him signing the delivery slip with a big smile on his face.  To him this document was as important as the Constitution.  He was truly the cutest little thing in the world.

Man, do I miss him.

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