Monday, April 22, 2013


I spent that past week in NYC and DC.  H, M and I visited The Big Apple with friends for three days and then our Four Family spent four days in our Nation’s Capital.  To say that this was a strange week to be away from home would be an understatement. 
We tried to keep up with what was happening at home but it was difficult.  It also, I have to admit, was nice to have a break from the madness, which I’m sure we’d not have had had we been home.  It felt weird to be going about our daily lives – on vacation, no less – when there were (and still are) so many people suffering.  Like you, I can’t even wrap my arms around what has happened. 
In both of these cities, there are flags flying every time you turn the corner.  To see all of these flags at half-mast nearly took my breath away each and every time I saw it.  I saw Boston Marathon jackets on a lot of folks.  Not all of them were from this year’s race, but most were.  I am amazed at their resilience.  If I had run the race, I’m not sure I’d have felt comfortable leaving my couch. 
Hearing that NYC and DC were on heightened alert did make my heart skip a beat, as you can imagine.  It did make me question whether or not we should go.  For more than a few moments of time, I thought it was a bad idea.  But then, I said to myself, that we can’t let something like this make us live in fear.  I also prayed (a lot) and I know that a friend on this side o’ Heaven was putting in some special words for us in our travels.  All kidding aside, it was only after I contacted him that I felt profoundly better about heading out for the week.  (Thank you.)
I felt selfish continuing to pack our bags on Monday afternoon but we went and I'm glad we did. It was the right thing to do.  For our family.
It’s a crazy world we live in.  I am so thankful for it. And at the same time, it scares me silly.

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