Friday, April 26, 2013

The Babe

I recognize that attending a prom is pretty common.  Most of us have done it.  Most of our children will do it.  As an adult, I know that it's really not "that big of a deal" but I understand the importance of it as a teen.

I knew this day was coming.  I'm not talking specifically about the actual "Prom" event.  I'm just talking, I guess, about the fact that she's old enough, mature enough, no-longer-two-years-old enough to go to such an event.

Wasn't it "just yesterday" that she'd run down the hallway to my office at FSPA, jump up on my lap and chat with me with her pacifier (aka nug) hanging from her mouth?

I can still see her re-inacting "The Nutcracker" in five minutes or less in the Pink Room.  She never missed a single part.

I can hear her playing "Jingle Bells" on the recorder at her Kindermusik graduation.  She may not remember her one-of-a-kind performance, but the rest of us do and we remind her of it often, much to her dismay.  (She may not find it funny, but believe me, it really is.)

How much time did we spend teaching her how to skip?  How many hours did we spend laughing as she'd run in, what she thought was a straight line, but really it was a perfect circle with her little arm flailing back and forth, back and forth?  How long before she was able to speak without fear of getting lipstick on her teeth during a Spring Concert performance? 

When did she stop calling me "Kimmy" and start calling me "Kim"?

It's not that I thought she wasn't go to go to her prom.  It's not that I thought she was going to be three forever.  It's just that I can't quite believe we are here.

"We", I say.  I know it's not my prom.  But rarely, do you have the opportunity to say that you've seen someone nearly every day of his or her life (even if some days it was just for a few seconds) unless it's (as my dad would say) a "legit legit" family member.  She's not "family"...but really she is.

She has literally grown up before my eyes.  And I am prouder than words can say of her, for what she believes in, for what she doesn't believe in and for the person she is and will continue to be.

H and M have many, MANY amazing people in their lives.  People who they look up to and people that I can say without reservation, "I hope you learn this-and-that from so-and-so".

Well, I have to say, this so-and-so has always and will always have a special place in my heart and in our family.  She is, if I may, simply put, The Babe.  And, as much as it pains her, she will always be that in my heart.

Love you, A Funk.

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