Monday, April 29, 2013

Fr. Tom

This morning, I sang and played at a funeral for a man who worked at our church for many years.  When I picked up the program at the doors of the church, my breath was taken away.  The priest celebrating this morning's mass is a man who served as our parish's pastor for a number of years. He sends us a Christmas card every year but other than that, we've not seen him for years as he is serving in another (very lucky) parish.  He is a man that G and I talk about a lot.  He is a man who truly has had an impact on our lives like no one else.  

I have often said (both in this blog and in "real life") that we are very blessed to have a crazy amount of people in our lives to whom we owe much gratitude and respect. They have helped to direct us, comfort us and shape us in to who we are today.  We feel the same love for many in H and M's lives.  It is not something that we take for granted or lightly. 

Well, this priest, is above and beyond anyone else in our lives in the way of a special person.  As G has said many times, "this guy is something special.  You can't explain it.  You can't necessarily understand but you feel it." 

While he was still serving in our church, I talked to him about things that I've not talked to anyone about.  (Thank goodness for G who suggested that I have a heart to heart with him one afternoon.)  The sadness and despair I was feeling was unspeakable and it was only he who was able to get me through it.  Many, many tried and, for that, I will be eternally greatful.  But it was him and only him that said the words that I needed to hear.  He knew just what I needed.

He is a "real" person who just happens to "get God" too. 

When I saw him this morning I, of course, went right up him.  He asked immediately about G, H and M and we chatted for a few minutes.  (He also said that I look the same as I did our wedding day...he apparently is failing in his eyesight, but other than that, he's doing great.) 

Anyway, I walked away and I cried as I was walking up to the choir loft.  Say what you want about the Catholic Church (believe me, G and I have said it ourselves a lot) but this guy, well, he is an amazing person and one that both G and I truly feel blessed to have in our lives.

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