Thursday, April 4, 2013

Crash, Boom, Bang

It's like I have a teenager in our house. I'm not much looking forward to having teenagers in here when we have no choice.  (I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.)  To have a mid-life crisis teenager suddenly and unexpectedly in the mix is definitely more than I bargained for.  (Especially a teenager that plays the drums.)

I called G's cell last night to see if was home and able to meet us out for dinner.  He didn't answer. 

Oh, right. He was practicing the drums and couldn't hear the phone ring.

On the good news front (and to his credit), I totally recognized the song he was practicing as I came in to the house.  (This was great once I got home and learned that he wasn't, in fact, dead on the side of the road). 

Plus, he was learning a song by (one of) my (many) boyfriends, Adam Levine.  Well, really it's Maroon 5 but who cares about the other guys, right?...

And we did go out for a yummy dinner with our Four Family, so it all worked out just fine.  (Plus, I'm loving this public forum of teasing him.)  Win, win, win, win.

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