Monday, April 15, 2013


My parents (who rock every inch of this universe) are taking the kids to the movies today.  While there, I will run around like a maniac, shopping and packing for our trip to NYC and DC.  These two crazy kids have been complaining for months that they are "the only kids in their whole school who aren't going away this week".  Well, joke's on them.  The three of us are leaving bright and early for NYC with one of their bestest buds and her mom for a few days.  (Their bud has known since January about this trip and has kept it a secret since then.  She sees them numerous times each week, has had countless sleepovers and has not uttered a word.  In fact, a few days ago, she looked them both dead in the eye and totally and completely lied about what she was doing tomorrow.  It freaked me out.  She's amazing.  I told her that I'll have to kiss her right on the lips when I see her next!)  The three girls will surely have more fun than three kids should.  I think we could stay in the hotel bathroom for the entire time and they'd be thrilled.  My goal is to navigate the city without (much of) G's assistance.  Hmmmm...we'll see how that goes...  I'm sure I'll keep y'all posted (as if you care.)

Then, the three of us will continue on to DC where we will meet G.  H and M have been wanting to visit DC for a while and we thought this is the perfect year to do it.  We really have no specific plans.  We're going to kind of just wing it.  G and I are looking forward to some great Four Family Time, sprinkled with some friend and cousin time as well.  Love.  In a perfect world, they will not know that we are in DC until we get there.  I have the perfect plan of how to make that happen in my mind but I'm not sure if it can be pulled off.  I'm such a dork.

H and M proclaimed a year or so ago that they really like to be surprised when they go on trips.  So, because I'm a complete and total loser, I feed in to the madness.  Their bud, A, is making a "get ready 'cuz we're picking you up in 30 minutes" video.   I will wake them up tomorrow at the ass-crack of dawn and show them the video.  I can't wait to see their reactions.  I think H won't believe me.  I think M will start to cry because we are spending money.  (She has in her mind that we are one step away from food stamps.)

Anyway to be continued ...

Gotta go.  Front runners just ran their first mile for Boston in 5:09.  That's frickin' nuts!

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