Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sun and Sand

Going to the beach is definitely a roller coaster ride.

"Hmm, I definitely look better than her and she's surely younger than me. But crap - that lady JUST had a baby and she looks like THAT?!"

"Oh man, remember when my stomach looked like that!  How depressing.  My God - I need to go for a run NOW!  But wait - look at the lady behind her. I look WAY better than her."

 "I liked what I packed to eat until I saw what THEY packed over THERE.  That looks SO much better than what we have.  Damn.  AND I'm still hungry."

"If you kick me with sand one more time, I'm leaving you here and you can walk home.  But you aren't being a complete brat like THAT kid so thank you, Sweet Baby Jesus.  I love you.  Come kiss your mumma."

"Why, oh, why didn't I appreciate the way I looked when I was 23.  But, man I would NOT want to be 23 again.  No thanks!  Moving on."

"We really should leave.  But that means I'll have to start packing things up.  Oh let's stay a little bit longer.  Just pass me the sunblock and get out of my sun."

I'm exhausted.

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