Sunday, July 7, 2013


That's short for Post Traumatic Swim Disorder.

My parents (have I mentioned they rock the world?) took the kids for an overnight to Coco Keys last night.  While gone, last night, G and I did some shopping, spent a quiet night on the patio at Terrace Cafe and then hung with great friends.  (While at the Terrace Cafe, he said something that made me laugh so hard, I honestly spit my wine out on the floor.  Man, that makes me so happy.  Our waitress, I'm sure, not so much...)  Today, we had a great bike ride on the Milford Bike Trail and checked out Rock and Coal Pizza.  Yum.  Anyway, we got some photos and texts from the kids while they were gone, checking out restaurants, swimming, sliding, loving life with Nonie and Papa.  How could they not?  Great twenty-four hours for all involved. 

Apparently, on the way home today from dinner at The Chateau with my parents (spoiled brats...), H had a horrible reaction and walked in our door covered in hives and with a rash over most of her body.  We gave her medicine and she hopped in the shower.  We hung out all night and, just a few minutes ago, went to bed nearly as good as new.

When she first got home, she was very upset (mostly, as it turns out) because she was worried that she was having a reaction to the restaurant's red sauce and she thought she'd never be able to eat red sauce again.  (Sometimes she just cracks me up.)  Regardless of that, she was nervous to have such a reaction.  Poor bub.  It was a pretty nasty reaction.  But I don't know what made me more sad - seeing her so sad...or seeing M so sad because H was so sad. 

It's like something I never could have imagined.  This connection they have.  Yesterday, on facebook, I posted about the conversation they had while they took a little snooze on the couch earlier in the day.  It was just under a minute, probably, of made-up twin gibberish but they clearly, in their sleep, knew just what the other was saying.  It reminded G of the time, years ago, when he was sitting on the couch with H and, in her barely-able-to-even-speak-at-the-time-way, she said that "sister is up".  M had been taking a nap and sure enough, G started to walk upstairs and M was turning the corner from their bedroom.  There was NO WAY H could have heard M waking up upstairs.  She just "knew" she was awake.  It was awesome and freaky at the same time. 

Hearing M trying to make H feel better tonight made my heart literally hurt.  Soon enough, I had two crying kids in the house.  Not from being overly dramatic to get a reaction from us.  They just can't stand to see each other hurt or sad.  (Unless one has just pissed the other one off and they are pulling each others' hair or kicking each other...that's a completely different scenario...but I digress).

It's way cool.  This life they lead.  And as I've said before, I am so psyched to have a front row seat for the show.

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