Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Because He Can

We got a horrifying, unthinkable e-mail at work today.  A dear friend and former co-worker lost her husband unexpectedly yesterday.  We all walked around today, pretending that it was a normal day but knowing that, for his family, this day was anything but normal.  And even though we don't talk to them all the time anymore, we feel their pain and wish we could take it away.

Another husband lost too soon.  Another dad.  Another Daddy.

And so, as much as possible, I will

not be annoyed when he covers the entire bathroom counter with water each morning.
Because he can.

not mind when he watches Rocky again, for the umpteenth time.
Because he can.

not roll my eyes when he comes downstairs wearing "that" shirt instead of the other one.
Because he can.

let him navigate the roads when I think he should be in the other lane on the highway.
Because he can.

remember that, to him, an extra few minutes of sleep on the weekends make all the difference.
He will surely run errands (his AND mine) later.
Because he can.

know that, when H and M are being knuckleheads, he is doing and saying just what he thinks is right to help them grow and learn.  Who's to say that I'm always right?  Even if it's not how I'd go about it, let 'im do it.
Because he can.

watch him take five trips in to the house with groceries (two more than I think are necessary).
Because he can.

not lose my cool when he puts cookies directly on the island instead of on a plate or paper towel. Because he can.

TRY to understand that watching the Pats play a game DOES affect his life.  He adores every minute of the Pats.
Because he can.

without being bugged every time, simply hang my pants in my other closet "where they belong" instead of keep them where he put them.  Hey-he's doing laundry!
Because he can.

take the drain-thing out of the sink, throw out the nasty soggy cereal that's still there from his breakfast, move on with my day and not be in a bad mood for the rest of the morning about doing it.    Surely I do plenty that bugs him.  And surely he gets annoyed with me.
Because he can.

The next time you say hello or good night or thank you to someone you love,
the next time you kiss or hug them,
the next time you are blessed enough to be there with them, 
really be there.

Do all that you do - with an extra somethin' special when you are with them.

Because you can.

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