Monday, July 15, 2013

Ah, Summer

H and M have a social calendar that makes my head spin.

Today, they spent the day with friends swimming and playing with guinea pig, Michelle.  (Is that not the best name for a guinea pig ever?)
Tomorrow, they will spend the day with cousins in Maine.
Wednesday afternoon will be more swimming, hanging with friends at an EY concert (Franklin Town Common 6:00 - don't miss it!) and a cousin sleepover.
Thursday brings more swimming with pals and Auntie Tracy.
They just got an invite to hang with a great best bud on Friday afternoon and then some more cousin time.
Starting on Saturday, our friends from the left coast will be here for most of the week.  Lord knows what lovely madness that will bring these two (and us as well.)

'Tis the season. 


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