Thursday, October 3, 2013

Two and a Half Seconds

I learned a long time ago that taking a minute to chat with someone in passing, sending a quick note, or picking up the phone to tell someone you were thinking of them often makes a big difference - to everyone involved. Lord knows I don't do it enough but I know that I should. And doesn't that count for something? Yesterday, on facebook, a friend and I were going back and forth about how I found out that there was no Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. (I'm still holding out for The Tooth Fairy.) While I don't remember the details, I'm pretty sure that I found out through a casual converation at the bus stop. She flipped when she found out that she was the one that spoiled it for me. I assured her that there was no need to worry - especially considering I was, like, 22 (give or take a few years...) Anyway, her mom commented on the thread as below. This simply made my day to read it this morning. Now, any "normal" person would be tickled pink with the comment and end it at that. My mom, I'm sure, while thrilled at the comment, will immediately start to stress out - "oh God, my house isn't beautiful anymore! I have to do something! I have to make something! SO many people drive by. Do you think they think that it used to be really nice but now it's not? Tell me what needs to be changed!" And on and on and on. My poor dad. Anyway, here's what she said. "Hi Kim, your mom was amazing!! I remember your house on Halloween!!!! As well as all the other major Holidays! I was in awe, as was the rest of Franklin, I'm sure!!! I used to ride by on purpose. How could you not believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa when your house was practically magic!!!" LOVE. It was so nice of her to take the two and a half seconds to write it. It will make me smile for far longer than that.

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