Monday, September 23, 2013

To Have and To Hold

Forty-two years ago, the stars were aligned, the world was forever changed, and life as we (or at least I) know it began.

It actually happened years before that.  I don't even know how old they were when they first met.  Junior high?  I should know.  I think I'll have to ask - again. One of their best friends who remembers EVERYTHING is on vacation.  I'll have to have a sit down again and get the deets from her when she returns.

September 24, 1971 - my mom and dad got hitched.  He was 20.  She was 18.  Babes. 

One of my favorite stories is when my dad learned who my mom's father was. "Your dad is the guy who works down the alleys?"  "Yes.  Why?"  "Oh, no reason."
But I'm sure his face said it all.  He had given my grandfather (and countless others) grief for years, pushing the envelope "just enough".  Not so much to ever really get in trouble but enough to be a pain in the ass.  (They say you often marry someone like your father.  Um - yep.)

They were so young when I was born, most of their friends didn't have children for years.  For this reason (and maybe because I was an only child), I spent a lot of time with my parents and their friends while I was growing up.  These relationships are a huge part of who they are today.  These relationships are a huge part of who I am today, for that matter.  They are still friends with nearly everyone who was in their lives then.  This, I think, speaks to what incredible people they are.  If you are no longer in their lives for whatever reason, it's your bad.  Your loss.  You are truly a better person with these two by your side.  Just ask anyone.  You'll get the same response.

Their loyalty to their family and friends is unprecedented.  Their loyalty to each other is even greater.

For as long as I can remember, they have taught me (whether they realized it or not) how to be married.  Good, bad and otherwise, these folks know how to do it.  No one is perfect (although I surely pretend to be).  No one is right all time time.  (see previous statement) But they have figured it out.  They know how to do it.  I hope that G and I are able to teach H and M just as much as my parents have taught (and continue to teach) me.

They've been thrown some curveballs.  A big one a few weeks ago.  But true to form, they are figuring it out.  Together. 

Happy Anniversary to the best of the best. For reals.

Your favorite daughter

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