Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sibs and Sox

My aunt/godmother is visiting for a few days from North Carolina.  She and my uncle/her brother made a bet early this summer that if the Sox made it to the World Series, she would travel up from NC and they'd go to a game together.  Neither one of them wanted to jinx anything so I don't think they talked about it much after the initial conversation.  Needless to say, as I type this, the Sox are trailing 1-0.  Surely, I hope they win.  But either way, that they (especially my uncle) are at a Sox World Series game, brings me such joy.  He has been a HUGE fan of the game (he's a bit freakish - and I mean that in the nicest way possible) for his entire life, surely as long as I can remember.  My aunt is a huge fan as well and I love that they are there together.

This alone, should be making me smile tonight.  But it's really what happened before they left for the game that is really making me smile.

I met up with my uncle and aunt and mom today out for lunch. Three siblings that, in some ways, couldn't be more different from each other.  And yet, three siblings that rock the world when they are together.  Seeing them together makes my heart smile.  Honestly, my stomach hurt from laughing at the three of them today.  It was awesome. 

A few months ago, to say we didn't think the Sox would be in the World Series is an understatement. 
A few months ago, to say we didn't think my mom would be eating lunch out at a restaurant is an even bigger understatement.

H and M's first fear spoken was "will Nonie be able to teach us how to cook ever again?"
My first fear was "will she be able to come to a piano recital again?"  My second thought was "how will we ever 'go out' with ease again?"  Now that I think of it, it's funny.  We don't even "go out" all that often.  We are definitely a stay-in and hang with family and friends crew. However, I just couldn't imagine how we'd do it.

And yet, two months after the worst day of our lives, my mom (TMM, for those of you who have been following her journey) is rocking the world - walking, working, driving, and "going out" again.

Life's not the same as it was.  But it is pretty close.  (Well, I guess she'd beg to differ with regards to that statement.  And she has every right to - and then some.)  But it WILL be.  I honestly believe that, next year at this time, this will be a memory.

A shitty memory. But a memory, nonetheless.

And a memory of a ridiculously brave mom.  And an amazing dad who has not left her side.  Not for a minute.  (Even when they both are driving each other nuts!!)

As I typed this last bit, the Sox went up 2-1.  That's gotta mean something.

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