Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bits and Pieces

As we sit here and watch (what is hopefully the last game of the season), I can't help but think of how funny I find it that Guy refuses to believe that I was a good softball player when I was younger.  I was, in fact, an All-Star second base/shortstop.  I also - ahem - batted fourth.  Anyway, it's sort of a running joke between us.  Most folks likely are surprised by my softball prowess.  (I clearly used up all my sportsmanship before I hit puberty.)

You may also be surprised by this:  (and I'm pretty sure that I've already written a blog like this so pardon.)

I can name an embarrassing number of WWF wrestlers from the 1980's.

I only eat certain foods (like strawberries, grapes and cookies) in multiples of two.

I hate (and actually get nervous) when I have to make coffee.

I also am equally unnerved when I have to drive with other adults in the car.

It would take a lot of will power to leave my house in the morning with my bed unmade or with dirty dishes in the sink.

If I could dress every day like someone in a movie, it'd be Natalie Portman's character in "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium."

I could quite easily eat an entire pound of macaroni or a half gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream in a sitting.  (And I said "or" not "and" - don't get that grossed out.)  But don't dare me.

The feel of dirty feet nauseates me.

One of my favorite movies is "Mommy Dearest".

I haven't thrown up since I was nine.

New office supplies make me giddy.  (Especially those colored erasers that you put on the ends of pencils.)

The idea of getting dressed up in a Halloween costume and going to a party makes me so stressed out I nearly break out in hives at the mere thought.

I sleep with a bat under the bed when Guy is away.

I still have all the notes my mom put in my lunches since junior high.

If I didn't do what I do, I'd love to be an interior decorator.  Or someone who prepares food for cooking demos and magazine covers.  Or a hostess at Pipinelle's but that ship has sailed.  (And there's only room in my heart for one Pip's hostess anyway...)

Other than during my driving lessons, I've never needed to parallel park (even in my parking test.)
Well, that's not true.  There are times when I need to...I just keep driving until I no longer need to...(I also helped a dear bestie pass her driving test while flirting with her guy in the front seat so he wouldn't notice how bad she was at parallel parking.)

In high school, I really and truly wanted to marry in to the mob.  Thank goodness I had a change of heart. 

Nearly every day, I wish I was in training for another marathon.

I have never, not once, wished we'd had another baby after H and M.

I've never tried relish or fluff.  And I never will.

I was so angry at my (then newly ex-boyfriend at the time) that I kicked my foot through our cellar door.  (I think that, secretly, my dad was so proud.)

I've never gone on a job interview or needed to prepare my own resume.  (Although I'm pretty sure I'd kick ass on both.)  Hopefully, I'll never need to find out.

And on that note, there are going to be a lot of tired Bostonians heading in to work tomorrow.  GO SOX!

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