Thursday, October 17, 2013

Best Sister

They do most everything together. They are inseparable. By circumstance and by choice. What one gets, the other one gets. Be it a shirt, a new friend, a night out on the town or a cold. That's the only life they know. They wouldn't want it any other way. Earlier this week, M was given a super cool opportunity in FPAC's upcoming production of "Les Miserables." (On a side note, have you bought your tickets? If not - and you live locally - I can't imagine what you are waiting for. It is going to be amazing.) Anyway, I have to say that as much as watching and hearing M do her little bit in the show makes me want to cry, H's reaction to M's opportunity makes me want to cry more. Sure she's bummed. (She said so.) Sure she's jealous. (She said so.) But she's good with it. (She said so.) And she truly is. We told her that "it is what is is." All H needs to do is keep doin' what she's doin'. All M needs to do is keep doin' what she's doin'. Whatever happens in life - you just do what you do, do your best and know that at the end of the day, that's all that really matters. And as M does her little thing this weekend, there will be NO ONE in the audience rooting for M as much as "the sister" is. I can promise you that. These two. They're good little eggs.

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