Friday, June 14, 2013

Thank You

To all the amazing dads in my life -

Thank you for be such great dads.  It's not an easy job.  (Largely because you have to deal with us moms.)
Thank you for keeping us safe and protected.
Thank you for all the things you don't say, even though you want to, because you know that's the wise choice.  (You've learned well.)
Thank you for doing all that you can to give us what we need - and then some.
Thank you for doing things for us when you'd rather be doing things for yourselves, all the while, with smiles on your faces.
Thank you for making us laugh when we really want to cry.
Thank you for making us laugh when we really want to scream.
Thank you for knowing when to "fix" and when to "listen".
Thank you for making being a mom that much easier with you by our sides.

Thank you Natalie Merchant - for saying it so well.

Thank you.

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