Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is That Me?

Have you ever looked at yourself as you walked by a mirror and were surprised by what you saw? 
That just happened to me.
I'm wearing an outfit that is so "not me". today.
My hair, my necklace, my skirt.  None of it is me.
I don't mind the look, actually.  But I'm surprised by the look of myself today.  I mean, I dressed myself obviously. I shouldn't be surprised by the look.  And yet, I am a bit now that I think about it.

It made me think about how others see me.  And hear me.  I'd love to get a glimpse of me from other people's perspectives.  I bet it's totally different than how I perceive myself.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It really doesn't much matter.  It is what it is. 

I think I'm quite lovely.  Not sure what others think... :)  No really.  This, for me, is one of those things that make me go hmmm...

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