Thursday, June 6, 2013


I have no explanation but as nervous as I get talking to people I don't know (like at parties and such), I am highly comfortable talking to strangers over the age of 75 (or children under the age of 4)- at any time and under any circumstance. 

Today, I had an appointment at an allergist (dead-end, got me nowhere, RL was right... :)) and in next to no time, I became best friends with the little man sitting next to me.  I was kind of carrying on as if we were a comedic duo.  In fact, we had the ladies behind the desk laughing at us.  I was on fire.  I stopped short of asking for tips ... but I was tempted. 

Then, as the nurse filled out the questionnaires and such before the doctor came in, I became her BFF as well.  She wasn't quite as old as Johnny, but definitely much older than I. 

Minutes later, when the younger (younger than me, I'd say) doctor came in, I was like "Michigan J. Frog"... couldn't think of much to say and found myself trying to be entertaining but just wasn't. Well, he did chuckle a few times (both times I was channeling Dupe which is always sure to get me some laughs) but it's just not the same. 

Ah least I know what I'm good at.

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