Thursday, June 13, 2013

Silver Lining

As I was sitting in the car pick up line today (in the pouring rain) it reminded me of our wedding day.

YEP - pouring rain.  It was gorgeous the day before.  And even more gorgeous the day after.  It hadn't rained on a Saturday for MONTHS.  Until October 25, 1997.

Leading up to "the" day, we had hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't rain. (Doesn't everyone?)  When we knew the night before that Mother Nature was going to mess with us, my dad made a quick phone call.  (Not to Mother Nature.  She was busy getting ready to pour buckets on us...)

My dad called a kid (well, he was at the time) to see if he and his friends were busy the next day.  The deal was, if they weren't busy, would they be willing to walk folks to and from the street in to the church underneath big golf umbrellas?  They agreed to it - and they showed up the next day in sports coats, ties.  All dolled up.  Too, too cute.  I'm not even sure how old they were - 16, maybe?

I love seeing them in our wedding video, helping folks in to the church.  It makes me so happy that they were, unexpectedly, a part of our day. They were the first people to greet our guests.  They chit-chatted with folks.  Laughed with folks. Surprised folks when they appeared with umbrellas in hand to keep them dry.  It was just a little part of the day but to me, it is such a great one.

When I was standing at the back of the church, waiting to go down the aisle, they waited back there with us. In fact, one of them made sure that my train was straight before I walked down the aisle with my dad and grandfather.  I remember thinking at the time - "if I ever have sons, I want them to be just like these guys."

As an aside, one of "these guys" (who is no longer a kid) is one of our Four Family's favorite voices.  His band's CD has been affectionately named our Four Family's "Summer of 2012" and "Summer of 2013" CD...if it ever feels like summer again. 

Do me a favor, check out Brothers McCann here:   And "like" them on facebook here:  They are working on a new CD as I type. (Remember when I told you to help 'em out and donate to their project on kickstarter?)  These guys rock the world.  Listening to them make music will simply make you happy.

When they become famous, maybe I'll return the favor to Mike and I'll help shield him from the rain as he walks down the Red Carpet to receive his Grammy Award.  I'll do it.  Promise.

Anyway, I guess my point is, at the time, I thought that the rain was going to be such a bummer.  But as it turned out, it's one of my favorite memories of the day.  

You never know how things are going to turn out.  Most of the time, if you let yourself, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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