Wednesday, June 5, 2013


As I hang in the kitchen, nearing the end of lunch and snack-making for a few months, I can't help but think back on my school years.  These are the thoughts that come immediately to my mind...and I am sorry if I mention anyone and cause embarrassment.  (I know this blog is all about me, but sometimes it is also about you...)

Kindergarten-Knowing for the first time ever that I thought boys (well really a certain boy) was way cute.  Tommy Walker.  Oh my God, with that little bowl cut.  A-dor-able.  I now teach his daughter and she is equally a-dor-able.  Sometimes I see expressions on her face that remind me of him when we were little.  It makes me so happy/I also remember getting off the bus one day and Stephen Impey kissed me on the head.  I remember being so embarrassed, fearful that I was going to get in trouble.

First Grade-Mrs. Wood reading us Charlotte's Web/Being afraid that "the other teacher" (Mrs. Moulton?) would really make us put gum on our noses as we had heard she did/The whole spilled milk incident.  (See "There's Not Use Crying Over Spilled Milk" blog entry.)

Second Grade-Beautiful Mrs. Goss/Raising my hand to use the word "nun" in a sentence.  My mom (who always came in to help) sat there proudly because she assumed I'd say something like "my mom had a nun for a teacher growing up."  Instead, I referred to a bottle of Blue Nun liquor that my parents had in the basement because my mom was making a great table with labels from bottles. She was mortified/Amy Ferioli and I arguing over who liked Bobby Jarvis more.

Third Grade-I was always amazed at how skinny Miss Fallon was/Jessica Smith had those super cool pencils with the crazy heads with wacky hair on the eraser.  (You know the kind your twirled between your hands and the hair got all crazy?!...)/I loved being in the highest reading group.  (I used to be smart...I'm not sure what happened.)

Fourth Grade-Getting my first F in Mr. Gonsalves class.  (I still don't quite understand longitute or latitude.  I hope H and M remember more of their fourth grade than I did.

Fifth Grade-I was amazed at how messy Charlie Deforge's desk would get in a matter of minutes.   We'd come back from recess and his entire desk would be tipped over so that he'd be forced to clean it.  He'd just laugh and start throwing stuff away/I couldn't believe how much "shit" Chris Butts gave Mrs. Ficco.  She was a saint.

Sixth Grade-Meeting Alyssa Sveden on the bus going to Central District.  We ate devil dogs and nearly choked because we had nothing to drink/Mrs. Barber reading "The Hobbit" to us. I loved the book but hated how her breath smelled like cigarettes/G teasing me in the lunchroom.

Seventh Grade-Mr. Ferrari.  He still makes me laugh just thinking about him.  I wonder what he's up to these days...?

Eighth Grade-I feel badly at how much I didn't like - oh God - I can't think of his name - the science teacher.  Good friends with Mr. Hoar.  I SO didn't understand a thing he taught and, in my mind, it was clearly all his fault/Going to a CYO dance and dancing with Bryan Cotton.  Once again, I thought I was a hussy/Looking out the window in what's-his-name's science class, hoping that Eddie Colace would pull up to the school to see his dad.  Does he still have the "HOP IN" license plate?  Either way, he makes a good meal at Incontro these days!

Ninth-Twelfth Grade:  Suffice to say, these years can be summed up with these few words:  big bangs, bright lipstick, pegged pants, obsession with Danny Feeley.  Safe to say, I'm over all these things.  Thankfully - although I'm sure Danny's a great guy.

Ah, those were the days.

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