Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reading and Writing and 'Rithmetic

I don't consider myself a runner.  But I've run a marathon.  Well, two, actually. 
I don't consider myself a runner.  But I started to write a book.

I had no idea I was going to start to write a book when I woke up this morning.
In fact, I emailed G and told him about it this afternoon.  He asked what it was about - and I never responded (work's busy - first week of school...)

Yup.  I'm going to do it.
I have no idea how to go about writing a book.  Tonight, I wrote the forward and the credits - and a little bit more.  (It took about 30 minutes and I jotted down a lot of ideas while I was waiting to pick up the girls from school.  Being a mother = multi-tasking.)

My book may end up only consisting of 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper bound by one of these:

that my closest friends and family read at a birthday party or Saturday night hang.

But I think it's fun to think that it may end up being something more.  

Who knows?

To be continued...

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