Monday, September 15, 2014

Mea Culpa

When hanging up the phone with the girls, G or my parents, I ALWAYS say "'K.  Love you.  'Bye."  I don't even think about it.  I just do it. It's not that I don't mean it - it's just something I've always done. 

This past weekend, over dinner, I was reminded of this story.  It makes me laugh. 

I was on the phone with a FSPA dad.  His son and daughter have been students forEVER.  He's super nice. His wife is super nice.  His kids are super nice.  

I was on the phone with him and - yep, you guessed it.  As we hung up, I said to him, under no uncertain terms, "'K.  Love you.  'Bye." 

I nearly died. 

I called him right back and told him that, while I did (and still do) think he's great - I don't like him in THAT way.    Thankfully, he has a great sense of humor.  He said that he wished I could have see his face as we hung up the phone.  
I wish he could have seen mine. 

That's one way to get more students, I suppose...

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