Friday, September 19, 2014


We just finished up our second week of classes.

I teach a lot of toddlers and, for many of them, my class is the first time that little kiddos attempt to be in a class without their mom or dad. Scary stuff.  (Because I'm wicked scary, I know.)

Today I was teaching a class with four little cutie patootie boys.  (I love our classes because they are, by design, so small and help us really get to know our students).  Two of them were totally fine with the big ol' meany teacher in the room.  The other two had their doubts.  Clearly.

The entire class was all about helping everyone feel comfy cozy and happy in our new space together. 

I was introducing "do" (blue) to them. We were all on our bellies playing with "do" blocks, building "do" towers, playing "do" leapfrog", driving "do" race cars.

Little by little, the sad, unsure, hesitant faces started to smile, sing and laugh. 

And a few minutes in to the "do" extravaganza, it occurred to me.

I. have. the best. job. ever.

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