Thursday, September 5, 2013

Whistle While You Work

We have an ongoing joke at FSPA that I whistle all day, every day.  Clearly, working in the environment that I do, I hear a LOT of melodies in the course of a day.  I'm not even that impressive of a whistler.  But that definitely doesn't stop me.  I'm all about the whistle.  I whistle songs I hear coming from a piano.  I whistle songs that I hear coming from a cell phone ring.  I whistle dumb vocal warm-ups that aren't even real songs.  I whistle anything and everything I hear.  (Probably much to the dismay of my lovely office mate...)
I realized today, that I haven't whistled in over two weeks.  To many folks (okay to most folks) that wouldn't be that big of a deal.  But to me, it is.

Today, I whistled again.  I guess things are looking up in my world...

Baby steps.  Literally.

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